Monday, 8 January 2018

Young, upcoming literary giant

One on One session with Author Tuelo Gabonewe
By: Onalenna Jantjie
Author:  Tuelo Gabonewe
Give us a glimpse into your background (who are you? where did you grow up?
How old are you? e.t.c)
My name is Tuelo Gabonewe. I'm 33 years old. I live and work in Jo'burg. I was born in 1985 in Sekhing, NW. I went to Sekhing Primary School, Thusoetsile Middle School and Boikagong Secondary School. I studied Psychology at the Vaal campus of the North West University.

When did you fall in love with literature? And how did that come about?
I fell in love with books when I was very young. My older brothers taught me to read before I even went to school. I didn't go to creche, but I was literate by the time I started Grade 1. We never ran out of reading books at home (still not entirely sure where they came from) and I've always hated people. Those books got me through my childhood.

Upon discovering your creative writing talent, what did you do to nature/harness it?
I didn't think much of my writing talent until I went to university. I started writing poetry when I was 18. I wouldn't read that "poetry" to Pol Pot, but I thought I was Dambudzo Marechera at the time. I ditched poetry for fiction, wrote some embarrassing books, looked for a publishing deal and amassed a ream of rejection slips. My first novel, Planet Savage, was published in 2011.

How long did it take for you to get a publisher?
8 years from the time I started writing.
Have you done a creative writing course?
I did Creative Writing (MA) with Wits. I graduated in 2017.

Tell us about the journey to becoming a published writer. What were some of the challenges?
Looking for a publishing deal was a frustrating process. As I mentioned earlier, just about every publisher I approached flipped me the bird. In hindsight, I know that I was too young and my work was nowhere near good enough at the time. I cannot think of any other challenges, to be honest. I (used to) absolutely love writing.
How many Novels have you published thus far?
I have written two novels so far, Planet Savage (2011) and Sarcophagus (2016).
Where do you draw the inspiration for your storylines?
I try and write stories that not too many writers would want to touch with a broken selfie stick. Stories about poor black people mainly.
Do you write in Setswana or English? Why did you choose that particular language?
I wrote my first two books in English, but I've recently started writing in Setswana. My next two projects will definitely be in Setswana, and then we'll see what happens after that. English is a dodgy language and I don't know what I'm saying half the time. I thought I'd reach a greater audience if I wrote in English. It turns out there's no audience to reach. Woke writers will hunt me down with machetes for saying this, but there are hardly any readers in South Africa. That’s a story for another day, though.
 What is your preferred genre of fiction and why?
 I prefer literary fiction. You get to create whole new worlds and show off your writing skills. It's like a pig's orgasm, but more intense.
As a writer, how often do you read?
I try and read at least 10 books a year. I haven't been reading much lately. I think the last time I read a book was 4 months ago. I have some serious catching up to do.
Why do you think it’s important for young people to develop the love for reading?
Reading broadens your vocabulary and improves your general knowledge. It makes you smarter. You don't need airtime or data to read a book.
What is the best way to handle rejection from Publishers?
Keep trying. Never give up and keep on improving the quality of your work. And learn to handle criticism.
What advice do you have for young aspiring writers?
Read a lot. Write a lot

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